Since establishing its clinic in 1996, Kreativ Dental Clinic Budapest has provided world-class dental care and has evolved as the leading centre for dental tourism to Hungary for dental implants, dental crowns, bridges, cosmetic dentistry and dental treatment in Budapest - the "Capital of European Dental Tourism"
Budapest Vacation Service
Copyright ©2009, All rights reserved
Why Dental Tourism Abroad and Treatment in Hungary ?
In recent years the ever-increasing cost of dental treatment, particularly in the fields of dental implants and bridges, has forced patients to seek less expensive, cost-effective alternatives and make the decision for having their dental treatment abroad.
Over these years, thousands of dental patients have chosen Hungary for their treatment and accordingly Hungary has earned a worldwide reputation as the country to visit for dental treatment abroad.
The excellent quality of dental work, particularly in the field of dental implants and dental bridges, first-rate facilities and highly skilled dental technicians are the major driving forces behind the ever-increasing trend of dental tourism to Hungary. This, combined with the lower dental treatment prices and the substantial cost savings that can be achieved - often as much as 70% compared to other European prices, makes Hungary the preferred location for dental travel, and Kreativ Dental Clinic in Budapest the preferred choice for first-class facilities, treatment and dental care.
Why Kreativ Dental Clinic Budapest ?
Since establishing its first clinic in 1996, Kreativ Dental has been providing world-class dental care and has evolved as the leading centre for dental treatment in Hungary’s capital city, Budapest - now regarded as the "Capital of European Dental Tourism". In fact, Kreativ Dental was the very first clinic in Budapest to establish a dental tourism infrastructure in conjunction with budget airlines, pioneering dental travel to Budapest and has successfully treating thousands of satisfied dental patients from 13 countries including the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, The Netherlands, Germany, Scandinavia, Russia and the United States.
Kreativ Dentals' purpose-built state-of-the-art clinic comprises eight new surgeries in which a team of ten highly-qualified dentists perform a complete range of dental treatments. Kreativ Dentals' experienced specialists offer Implantology, Endodontics and Periodontics treatments of the very highest quality, with in-house access to a range of advanced diagnostic tools such as orthopantograph x-rays, digital x-rays and CAT scans, as well as the Arcus Digma, the latest in occlusal (bite function) technology.
Kreativ Dental laboratory specialists, working under the supervision of International Master Ceramist János Rendetzky, are among Europe's top experts in their respective fields.
Crown and bridgework is produced to the very highest of standards by an exceptional team of specialist technicians in Kreativ Dentals' own in-house laboratories. In-house laboratory facilities provide a wide variety of advantages for the patient, including a reduction of the time it takes to produce dental restorations - while optimising accuracy and efficiency and ensuring that the best clinical, functional and aesthetic result is achieved.
The Kreativ DentalClinic Budapest team consists of dental specialists in the fields of:
* Dental Implantology (Oraltronics and Brånemark dental implants)
* Crown and Bridgework
* Cosmetic Dentistry
* Oral Surgery
* Dental CT scans
* Endodontics (Root Canal Treatment)
* Periodontics (Gum Treatment)
In addition to the English language, Kreativ Dental staff and dentists speak several other European languages.
Price savings: On treatments such as dental implants, crown and bridgework, the cost savings can be substantial compared to the same treatment in other countries. As an example, in the United Kingdom an Oraltronics implant, including abutment & healing cap, costs on average £1850.00, compared to £605.00 at Kreativ Dental Clinic in Budapest – a massive price saving of £1245.00.
To compare dental treatment costs, please see further cost comparison information.
Guarantee: In the unlikely event of a failure of the laboratory work, Kreativ Dental agrees to meet the cost of airline travel to and from Hungary (up to the total value of 200.00 EUR) and hotel accommodation expenses (single room per night max. 42.00 EUR) in Budapest for the duration of the necessary remedial work only (meals/extras are not included). We also provide a free taxi service to and from the airport, as well as a free travel pass valid on the Budapest public transport network. For full guarantee details and conditions, please see the Kreativ Dental Clinic Guarantee
Budapest Vacation Service in co-operation with Kreativ Dental Clinic Hungary is pleased to offer our website visitors and guests a free-of-charge consultation package.
The consultation package includes a free orthopantograph x-ray, examination and treatment plan and each new patient is invited for free refreshment in the Kreativ Dental Sky Café.
To arrange an appointment, please call (+36 1) 222 0199 or email kreativ.dental@pronet.hu
Please quote reference “complimentary consultation code MC7” when booking your appointment to ensure that you receive the full benefits of the free consultation package.
Kreativ Dental Clinic Hungary
Tel: +36 1 222 0199 (from abroad) or 06 1 222 0199 (from Hungary)
Email: kreativ.dental@pronet.hu
Address: Vezér utca 100. H-1141, Budapest
How to get there: Budapest Metro number 2 (red line) to Örs Vezér tere, then number 82 trolley bus to Gödöllői utca (5 stops).
Budapest Vacation Service
Kreativ Dental Complimentary Consultation Voucher
Budapest Vacation Service in combination with
Kreativ Dental Clinic Hungary is pleased to offer a complimentary, non-obligatory consultation at
Kreativ Dental Clinic in Budapest.
The Kreativ Dental Complimentary Consultation includes:
* Orthopantograph X-ray
* Examination
* Treatment Plan including treatment price quotation
* Refreshment in Kreativ Dental Sky Café
To receive the full benefits of this free of charge consultation, please quote consultation code MC7
when making your appointment.
Printer-friendly voucher
Budapest Metro System.
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Kreativ Dental state-of-the-art clinic
Treatment room
Reception and waiting area